97: How to Pursue Your Dream Job, While Stuck at a Job You Can’t Stand

Are you stuck at a job you can’t stand?


Do you have a dream job?


If your answer to those questions is “YES!”, today you are in for a treat!


In the latest podcast episode, I am joined by Zechariah Newman to discuss how you can pursue your dream job, while stuck at a job you can’t stand. This is a discussion that will positively impact you both spiritually and mentally!






Episode Title: How to Pursue Your Dream Job


Guests: Zechariah NewmanFollow Him on Twitter


Music: TobyMac – Beyond Me



  • We’re afraid as Christians to say we don’t trust God, but that’s just the truth.” – Zechariah Newman


  • “We all struggle, just in different ways, with our trust in our Heavenly Father.” – Zechariah Newman


  • “God is never late, but He sure as heck ain’t early. He’s right on time.” – Zechariah Newman


  • “Your dream may not be meant to be your vocation.” – Zechariah Newman


  • “Failing is a sign of success.” – Zechariah Newman


  • “God is the ultimate authority and you move when He tells you to move.” – Zechariah Newman


Key Lesson:

  • The role fear plays in keeping many people working at jobs they don’t like
  • Signs it’s time to quit a current job to pursue a dream job
  • The importance of having the right attitude regardless of what our current circumstances may be
  • How to pursue our dreams in a responsible way


Hot Topics & Takeaways:

  • The tendency we have to forget where and what God has brought us through in life
  • Jay shares the three questions he asks himself when stuck at a crossroad and in need of a reminder to trust God
  • Zechariah explains the importance of not only tithing our money, but tithing our time to God too


Danger & Difficulties:

  • The danger of us putting God in a box and only allowing Him to get involved in certain aspects of our lives
  • The danger of underestimating how much time it may take you to reach and accomplish your dreams
  • Challenges that accompany pursuing a dream job
  • The struggle many of us face with trusting God financially


Experience is the Best Teacher:

  • Zechariah tells all about working three jobs at the same time while in college that he absolutely couldn’t stand
  • Jay opens up about his personal difficulties with trust God
  • Zechariah explains how he struggles with resting and not working seven days a week


Hold Yourself Accountable:

Don’t exclude God from the process. Allow Him to participate in every aspect of your life.


Apply the Kingdom Principles:

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 (ESV)


Take Action Now:

  1. Seek God regarding your dream job and purpose.
  2. Pray and prepare before quitting or taking a leap of faith.
  3. Work on developing your faith and trust in God daily.


Show Some Love:

Please leave me a comment or a private message answering the following question:

Are you ready to begin pursuing your dream job?

  • Zechariah Newman
    March 6, 2015

    Thanks for having Mr on Jay;)

    • Jay
      March 14, 2015

      The pleasure was all mine Zechariah! It was such an outstanding discussion. Thank you again for opportunity and experience. God bless you!

  • Zechariah Newman
    March 6, 2015

    Thanks for having me on Jay;)

  • singlemomsmile1
    March 7, 2015

    I heard God speaking to me through this episode like never before. I was just saying I felt ungrateful because I was complaining about some aspects of my current job. As always God is on time…His time and that’s is the best time. Thanks for the excellent show.

    • Jay
      March 14, 2015

      WOW! That is amazing sis! I agree that God is definitely always on time and I’m happy to hear that this message arrived at a time that you truly needed it.

      Thank you and I pray that God continues to bless you!

    • Zechariah Newman
      March 15, 2015

      So glad you had ears to hear 😉 keep pressing into God!

  • Destiny's Truth
    March 9, 2015

    Jay, I enjoyed this podcast with Zechariah so much because it was like going to a kingdom conference that spoke on everyday language on a very relevant topic. There were so many gems of knowledge and insight I received and I trust that the Right to R.E.A.L. Love community recognized and fully embraced this gift. Thanks Zechariah for sharing your journey, struggles and victory gleaned through a life anchored in your faith in Jesus. God bless you Jay for allowing yourself to become an instrument and forum for Kingdom Citizens to share their viewpoints freely. Jesus just keeps making this podcast better and better as you explore so many relevant topics. Wonderful show! I am so inspired and fueled spiritually.

    • Jay
      March 14, 2015

      Oh yeah! This is easily one of my favorite discussions so far. It was such a great experience to talk about God with someone who loves Him and feels passionately about Him too.

      I agree that God is the one behind each of these amazing discussions. None of it would be possible without Him.

      Thank you for listening and for all of your continued love and support. God bless you!

    • Zechariah Newman
      March 15, 2015

      Thank you for listening 😉 Jay does an amazing job!

  • Autumn
    March 9, 2015

    This was a hard podcast for me to listen to. Just even hearing Zechariah and his three jobs in college made me sad for him even if he isn’t. The idea of doing a job one hates is intolerable to me.

    I am trying to be grateful for all I have. But I think it’s important to be happy. I think life is so short. I think the podcast is saying to be happy right now and not just wait to be happy when you achieve your goals. I would also say if you can’t be happy right now with your job or otherwise, to get out as soon as possible. It’s not always easy to change your attitude with a job which really is toxic. Sometimes the only solution is to leave.

    Trust in God is very difficult for me, I must admit. Communication with Him is a daily practice which helps. But I think if you can manage to trust Him, you can have some peace as you reach for your goals.

    • singlemomsmile1
      March 11, 2015

      Autum I’ve been in a job that was toxic. Before I knew it I was on 3 different blood pressure meds. I knew I had to leave and I did. I didn’t even have a job lined up. I would advise anyone else to so what I did but God have me that instruction and it more than worked out. I ended up having the entire summer off let my hair down, join the RTRL community and get closer to God. I’m not saying my finances didn’t take a hit but I didn’t miss a meal and I had a roof.

      • Autumn
        March 11, 2015

        I’m glad you took care of yourself. We have to. Glad you still have all the things you need to survive. And you have us and God too!

        Thanks for replying.

    • Jay
      March 14, 2015

      “I think if you can manage to trust Him, you can have some peace as you reach for your goals.”

      That statement is so heavy and one that can be applied in every aspect of our lives.

      Personally, it boils down to God’s peace for me. As long as I have His peace, I believe that I can endure any situation. I just need His peace.

      Thank you so much for being so honest and transparent Autumn. I truly appreciate that.

      Continue praying and trusting in God. He’s got you!

    • Zechariah Newman
      March 15, 2015

      Autumn thanks for listening. If you are in a toxic job you need to leave and find something else for sure…as far as my college jobs. I hated the work but that was the provision I had while I prepared for something better. We are all able to have joy even in unpleasant circumstances. Trusting God is the only way! Keep pressing into Him;)

      • Autumn
        March 15, 2015

        Thanks Zechariah, for responding! Yes, sometimes it’s hard to know when a job is merely unpleasant or when it’s toxic. Maybe if you stay in unpleasant circumstances too long they become toxic?

        Trusting in God is the only way, but it’s not always the easy way! At least not for me.

        • Zechariah Newman
          March 15, 2015

          Totally agree;) trusting God is the hardest thing! So easy to say but hard to do! I’m right there with you in the struggle to trust Him;)

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