Have you ever wanted to know if men date certain women just to impress other men?
If you have, the answer to your question is:
YES! You better believe they do!
Most men aren’t afraid to admit that it’s a huge confidence (and ego) booster to be seen with a beautiful woman on your arm.
BUT…you don’t have to take my word for it.
Listen to this episode of MenChat, as three men share with you exactly why men will date an attractive woman just to impress others.
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Episode Title: Do Men Date Certain Women to Impress Other Men?
The Men:
- “There are some beautiful girls out there who are so, so ugly inside.” – K. Spade
- “When I was younger, I placed a higher priority on looks; like it was if she’s pretty that’s all she needed.” – Wisdom is Misery
- “As a man, if you’ve got a female that no guy ever checks for then it’s safe to say she’s probably not that attractive.” – K. Spade
- “I’m not here to deal with your skin tone issues or your hair issues or your life situation issues, when I’m bringing a physical goddess into the building.” – Mr. Moody
- “I’m not going no place to showcase a woman. We leave that for these suckas out here.” – Mr. Moody
I Can’t Believe He Said That:
“It’s like a Yelp review! If everyone goes out there and sleeps with this woman and they got nothing but thumbs up and high fives and hitting the like button, then it’s a proven product.”
Feedback Request:
What did you enjoy most about this topic and learn from the answers these men provided?
April 25, 2014
Hey R.E.A.L. Lovers!
What did you enjoy most about this topic and learn from the answers these men provided?
April 30, 2014
Hey Jay!
Yeah that Yelp review quote by Wisdom is Misery was pretty funny, I enjoyed that. The answers that the men provided were really insightful. I mean I feel like Mr Moody, as a man I don’t feel its necessary to show off your woman.
May 1, 2014
I can’t even lie James, I had to mute my mic when WIM said that. I was rollin! Especially, because of how serious he sounded when he said it.
Yeah, Moody definitely has a no nonsense approach to it. I’m likely in the same boat as you two. It’s great to have a beautiful woman on my arm, but I could careless about just having her there to show off to other people.
Thanks a lot for the comment James!