Making friends at work can be challenging.
Some people are our friends and others are workplace wolves.
Today we are going to determine how to discern between the two.
That means you are going to learn how to decipher who your real work friends are from the workplace wolves.
Not only will you learn the differences between the two, but you are also going to gain extraordinary insights on how to overcome, defeat and rise above the workplace wolves you encounter.
Listen to the latest podcast episode to take the first step toward combating against the wolves in your workplace. Enjoy!
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Episode Title: How to Rise Above Workplace Wolves
Guests: Andrew Heard – Follow Him on Twitter – Listen to Andrew’s Podcast
Music: Juanita Bynum – I Will Wait for You
- “Good management promotes healthy relationships amongst their employees.” – Andrew Heard
- “Everybody has value, because they are made in the image of God.” – Andrew Heard
- “We gotta be rooted in God’s love for us and not get our identity out of what we do or what others do.” – Andrew Heard
- “The wolves will definitely come out when you start walking in your purpose.” – Andrew Heard
- “We can’t live our lives being afraid to be hurt.” – Andrew Heard
Key Lessons:
- The importance of developing the right friendships at work
- How believers can positively impact their workplace with the culture of the Kingdom of God
- Lessons in love and honor from the story of Saul and David
- Why we must learn to walk and live in love
Hot Topics & Takeaways:
- Reasons why some people are apprehensive about developing friendships at work
- How to spot workplace wolves and haters
- Check out the book Andrew recommended, Culture of Honor by Danny Silk
Danger & Difficulties:
- The impact that competitive workplaces can have on the ability to develop true friendships
- How to avoid being a workplace wolf
Experience is the Best Teacher:
- Jay admits to being more focused on earning a living than making friends at work
- Andrew opens up about his experience of dealing with workplace wolves
Hold Yourself Accountable:
Make a decision to walk and live in love.
Apply the Principles:
“Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” – Ephesians 5:1-2 (NKJV)
Show Some Love:
Please leave me a comment or a private message answering the following question:
How do YOU handle workplace wolves?
April 11, 2015
Jay as always this discussion was right on town. I say it often that I work for God. When I keep this in mind I am able to withstand the work place wolves. Work is so effortless and I have a higher job satisfaction.
April 16, 2015
OH YEAH!!! That’s what I like to hear sis.
We must do everything we do, as if we are doing it for God. We can’t go wrong that way.
Stay the course sis!
April 11, 2015
Love what was said about building boundaries and not bridges. So hard to do, though! I think one just has to manage one’s stuff first.
This reminded me to try to be my best self at all times and to stay out of my head so much.
Again, it’s not easy! I like commenting here online because when we do it’s just out in the world, it’s not supporting someone for any reason other than we’d like to help and find common ground. I feel the comments to me have been very selfless and I so appreciate that.
April 16, 2015
Managing ourselves and our priorities is so key. I agree that it is definitely one of the first steps that we must take.
I am so happy that you are enjoying the R.E.A.L. Love community and are comfortable enough to share your thoughts and insights with your fellow R.E.A.L. Lovers! I really love the amazing comments you all leave too!