Breaking up with someone is no fun!
There are a variety of ways to do it, including some that are truly the worse.
Thankfully, there is a RIGHT way to end a relationship and you’ll discover it today!
In the latest podcast episode, Alyssa Shull and I will share with you some of the worse ways to break up with someone (which you should avoid at all cost!) and the RIGHT way to end a relationship.
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Episode Title: End a Relationship the RIGHT Way
Guests: Alyssa Shull – Follow Her on Twitter
Click here to learn more about The Pink Lid conference
Music: Nicole Britt – Have Your Way
- “God always has something better for you, when you obey Him and act in obedience.” – Alyssa Shull
- “Just because the door has to be closed for that season doesn’t mean that it’s not going to open back up later.” – Alyssa Shull
- “It’s not bad to be single.” – Alyssa Shull
- “It’s so worth it to be with a person that God has created you to be with, even if it takes longer.” – Alyssa Shull
- “Don’t be scared to break up with someone just because you don’t want to break their heart.” – Alyssa Shull
- “Whatever he’s doing before marriage is going to be amplified when you get married.” – Alyssa Shull
- “God can do amazing things, but you have to let Him.” – Alyssa Shull
Key Lessons:
- The importance of owning up and admitting that you made a bad decision or mistake
- Alyssa explains why it is important that we know and understand the purpose of a relationship
- The RIGHT way to end a relationship
- How prayer can help you break free from unhealthy relationships
Hot Topics & Takeaways:
- Alyssa shares why she believe men and women cannot be friends after a break up
- Reasons why we all must embrace our singleness
- The importance of having an accountability partner
Danger & Difficulties:
- Things that can make ending relationships difficult
- The danger of dragging out a relationship that you know needs to end
- The worst possible ways to end a relationship
- The danger of stacking one sin on top of another sin
Experience is the Best Teacher:
- Alyssa explains how having a relationship with Jesus Christ is extremely beneficial to her marriage
Hold Yourself Accountable:
If the relationship is not healthy, don’t be afraid to end it.
Apply the Principles:
“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV)
“Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” – 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NKJV)
Show Some Love:
Please leave me a comment or a private message answering the following question:
What do YOU think is the right way to end a relationship?
April 17, 2015
What a great show! Allyssa shared some wisdom and knowledge about ending relationships properly. I actually have used many of the steps she shared, namely prayer. I acknowledged to God that I needed His help to break the bonds, so I could end a relationship that was not God’s best for me.
The information about the chemical dependency created by being sexually with a partner was eye opening. I could not fully understand why I continued to feel so connected to my ex-partner. I had heard that when we have sex with someone it builds a strong tie, but I did not fully understand that link. I thought that both men and women experienced that, but that explains why men can move on easier than women, sexually.
Thank you Allyssa for sharing your knowledge with us all. I look forward to reading about your work with young women, because that is the area of ministry that I am called to, as well. I pray that the conference is successful and trust that I will be able to sponsor a few young women for future conferences. Jay, I can only say keep giving your best for God’s glory, because it is reaching those that need to know God’s plan is best for them.
April 20, 2015
Prayer is so powerful and it can truly bring about lasting changes in our lives when we begin to apply it.
Soul ties are no joke and based on the way God made women it’s truly a dangerous game for a woman to get involved sexually with a man who is not their husband. Men should not do it either. Better to be safe.
Thank you so much for your encouraging words and continued support. God bless you too!
April 19, 2015
I have been fortunate to be romantically involved with some very special people. I hold no ill will toward any of them and for the most part still think they are great people, even those whom I never laid eyes on again after we broke up.
Knowing someone is a unique and special is what makes it difficult to end. It’s not because I’m afraid of being alone. I’ve been alone most of my life and there is no fear of that for me. It’s just knowing that I’ll never see this person again. That’s how it goes for me. So for me I just prolong the goodbye and try to enjoy the good of this person a few more weeks since that’s the last I’ll ever know of them.
I’m a clean break person (with one notable exception). And once something is broken for me, it’s broke for good. No backsies. So that would be the only reason I hesitate, just I don’t want someone back after we’re done. That goes for friends too. So when I do make that decision in my heart, it’s final.
April 20, 2015
That’s great that you don’t have a fear of being alone!
I definitely believe that there is something lost when we part ways with an ex. It’s usually not easy to do initially, but thankfully we tend to bounce back once we discover something even better suited for us.
I can relate Autumn. I prefer to make clean breaks and not cycle back either. I believe it makes things a lot less complicated.