4: What are Kingdom Principles?

So you’ve heard me talk about or mention Kingdom Principles, right?


And at some point you’ve probably wondered:


What are Kingdom Principles?


Well, you no longer have to ask.


If you’d like to know what Kingdom Principles are or learn more about them, you need to listen to this podcast. I explain what Kingdom Principles are and why they are so important to everyone!



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Episode Title: What are Kingdom Principles?


Music: Tamela Mann – I Can Only Imagine


Questions Answered:

  • Why did God create mankind?
  • Why did Jesus Christ come to Earth?
  • What are Kingdom Principles?


Insightful Revelations and Teachings:

  •  God’s original will and purpose for mankind
  • The truth about the Garden of Eden
  • The real meaning of repentance


Key Takeaways & Lessons:

  •  The Kingdom of Heaven is NOT a religion
  • The extreme importance of culture
  • Living according to Kingdom Principles is pleasing to God


Experience is the Best Teacher:

  •  How I used Kingdom Principles at the barbershop




Book: God’s Big Idea by Dr. Myles Munroe


Call to Action:

  • If you have any questions about Kingdom Principles or anything that I talked about on the podcast, please leave a comment below or send me a private message using the contact form.
  • Share a personal experience of yours with me, and tell me about a time when you did something kind, loving and selfless for someone else.



  • Est. 10/07/1991
    May 7, 2014

    One day I was out going to get something to eat. I was pregnant at the time so I had a pretty big appetite. I had $10 on me and I was about to grub. I was driving by a grocery store at a red light and there was a lady sitting on the side of the road. I could tell she was tired, worn out, and going through. So had a “please help me” sign. A man began to say things to her from his car and immediately she began to cry. My heart broke for her and I pulled in the parking lot and talked to her. The man had made comments about her weight, how she was a ugly, and other negative things. Turns out, she had medical issues that made her gain lots of weight, she had an abusive boyfriend that had disfigured her face, and she had no means of providing for her children. I began to cry with her because I felt so bad for her. Without thinking twice I gave her the money I had and I prayed with her. She didn’t want to take it because she saw I was pregnant but I wasn’t about to leave her there with nothing. I still remember the joy and the hope in her face and I’m just thankful that God used me to blessing to her.

    • Jay
      May 7, 2014

      Wow! Thank you so much for sharing that experience!

      I can’t even lie, reading that just gave me chills and goosebumps.

      God truly moved through you that day. I love the fact that you didn’t just toss money at her. Instead you invested your time with her. You sat with her and allowed her to share her story with you. That is extremely moving.

      Thank you again for sharing that experience. God bless you!

  • James J
    May 7, 2014


    First of all, giving up your seat at the barbershop after you had an appointment? Man thats great! I know when I was listening to that I was like wow.

    I can remember one time my girlfriend and I were coming from church headed to breakfast. We pulled into the parking lot and see this woman with a flat tire. She was a short petite lady that was driving this big SUV. She was kneeling down with her back to us. My girlfriend turns to me and says, “we should get out and help her.” I look at her crazy, I’m like “we got our church clothes on.” As I’m saying that, we see a toddler in the back seat stand up and say “mommy where are you?” So then my girlfriend was like “babe we really should get out and help.” At that point she stands back up and turns to the side and we both see that she’s pregnant! After that, we both get out the car and help her change her tire. Apparently she was out there for like 20 mins and no one stopped and asked if she needed help. We stayed there until her husband came. He thanked us for staying with her, and tried to give us money, even tried to pay for our breakfast (we were at Dunkin’ Donuts), but we say no. We said to him, we couldn’t just sit there and look at her trying to change that tire. We stopped and helped out of the kindness of our hearts.

    • Jay
      May 8, 2014

      LOL! I know you are familiar with the barbershop struggle bro.

      OH MY! The experience that you shared is…WHOA!

      You had me on the edge of my seat as I was reading it. I am so glad that you both decided to not only assist her, in your church clothes, but wait with her and her children until her husband arrived. That’s amazing!

      Thank you so much for sharing that experience with us James!

  • Jay
    May 18, 2014

    WOW! I seriously had chills as I was reading this.

    You truly were tried and tested during that period of your life.

    I thank God that you leaned on Him, were obedient to Him and placed your trust and faith in Him completely.

    This is such an inspiring and encouraging testimony!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with us.

    I pray that you enjoyed the podcast too.

    In fact, would you mind if I read your comment on an upcoming episode?

    I believe it can be extremely beneficial to those who hear it.

    Thank you again and God bless you!

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