If you want to discover practical tools that you can use to develop better ideas faster. Better and Faster is an eye opening and mind expanding book that can help you do just that!
As someone who comes up with lots of ideas but often discards 90% of them, this book taught me that I’ve been treating my ideas the wrong way. Far too often we think that our ideas aren’t good enough, won’t be embraced by others or are just plain stupid. Jeremy Gutsche has taught me that every idea has value. No, every idea is not going to be great. However, even the “stupid” ideas will play a role in helping us reach the great ones. The key is to not write those ideas off as having no value.
If you’re someone who has never perceived the value in every idea you’re blessed to have, this book is sure to provide you with a new perception.
On the flip side, if you find it challenging to come up with new ideas this book can help you too. I’ll be honest, it won’t plant the ideas in your head for you. But it will help you to begin looking outside of the box. That is a must when it comes to developing ideas. The more inclined you are to look outside of the box and deviate from the norm, the more likely you to begin developing a habit of thinking of better ideas and doing it faster than you’d imagine.
This book isn’t going to be for everyone. It’s not a “how to” book. It’s not a magic wand that’s instantly going to help you develop better ideas faster. What this book will do is share with you real life experiences from people and businesses (some that you know and others you don’t) who used practical techniques to develop ideas and achieve success. It will even share stories of those who failed to follow through on ideas they likely could have profited from.
I found this to be a very interesting, enlightening and enjoyable read. At the very least, you’re likely to learn something new and take at least one tip, trick or technique away that you can apply to your own life.
Will this book give you better ideas faster? NO!
Will this book give you practical tools to develop better ideas faster over time? YES!
Here’s more info about the book or you can check it out on Amazon.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
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