Do you truly know yourself?
Or at the very least do you know what you need, want and expect?
If not, it is extremely important that you find yourself before you start dating.
I know most people don’t want to hear that they are not truly ready to start dating, but in many cases it’s the truth.
It may be a hard truth to come to terms with, but it will benefit us all if we are willing to accept it.
If you’re not sure if you’re ready to start dating or you’re not 100% sure that you truly know yourself, I highly recommend that you invest the time required to discover the truth.
You can start by listening to the latest podcast episode, featuring Lauren Alicia and Marc Applewhite, in which we explore the importance of finding yourself before you even consider entering the dating scene. Enjoy!
Episode Title: Find Yourself BEFORE You Start Dating
Guests: Lauren Alicia – Follow Her on Twitter * Marc Applewhite – Follow Him on Twitter
Music: Telana – Me Time
- “The more you figure out who you are, the easier it is when you get in your next relationship.” – Marc Applewhite
- “It’s a difference in knowing what you want from someone else and knowing what you expect of yourself.” – Lauren Alicia
- “Whoever you decide to be in a relationship with should enhance things, but they shouldn’t complete a puzzle for you.” – Marc Applewhite
- “Standards help you know what you’re fighting for.” – Lauren Alicia
- “The minute you stop looking to be in a relationship, a relationship will find you.” – Marc Applewhite
Key Lessons:
- What it means to truly find yourself
- Why you must know what you need, want and expect before you start dating
- The importance of being honest with yourself
- Surefire ways to build up self confidence
Hot Topics & Takeaways:
- Steps that you can begin taking to get to know yourself better
- Things you must become comfortable doing by yourself before you start dating
- The HUGE benefits of positive affirmations and music
- Why forgiving yourself is a MUST
Dangers & Difficulties:
- The danger of neglecting to analyze past relationships before entering into a new one
- The danger of becoming codependent on other people
Experience is the Best Teacher:
- Marc explains how much he learned about himself by asking other people to share with him their honest perceptions of him
- Lauren shares how beneficial journaling has been in her life and personal development
Hold Yourself Accountable:
To discover your true self you must first be willing to invest time into yourself. If you don’t, you will never meet your true self.
Apply the Kingdom Principles:
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 (ESV)
Take Action Now:
- Make a decision to forgive yourself and others.
- Begin journaling.
- Pick 5 positive affirmations (at least 1 being a Kingdom Principle) and recite them to yourself everyday (preferably multiple times throughout the day).
- Begin reading at least one personal development book this month.
- Invest time into dating yourself and getting to know yourself better.
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