Do you consider your sibling as a rival?
If so, your relationship may be hindered from being as strong and as close as it could be.
Don’t miss out on having the best possible relationship you can with your sibling.
Find out how you can dispel any negativity between you and your sibling, that may have developed as a result of sibling rivalry, and begin establishing a relationship that is positive and healthy.
The first step is to listen to the latest podcast episode, ‘How to Overcome Sibling Rivalry’:
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Episode Title: How to Overcome Sibling Rivalry
Guests: Julie – Follow Her on Twitter * Jonathan – Follow Him on Twitter
Music: Tenth Avenue North – No Man is an Island
- “If you don’t feel an equal value, coming from the outside world, that creates another level of sibling rivalry.” – Julie
- “Parents need to be conscious of not promoting sibling rivalry.” – Julie
- “Sibling rivalry is a lazy way of motivating and it usually backfires.” – Julie
- “It’s never good for a family when siblings are at odds.” – Jonathan
Key Lessons:
- How siblings can develop a positive and healthy sibling rivalry
- The responsibility that parents have to keep a sibling rivalry from escalating to an unhealthy or destructive level
Hot Topics & Takeaways:
- Where conflict between siblings is created
- The role parents play in sibling rivalry
Dangers and Difficulties:
- The impact that comparing siblings can have
- The major pitfalls of a sibling rivalry
Experience is the Best Teacher:
- Julie talks about the competition she had with her older sister growing up
- Jonathan explains the vital role his parents played in the rivalry he had with his older brother
- Jonathan shares how much it means to him to have his brother be his best friend
Hold Yourself Accountable:
Decide that if it doesn’t promote love and positivity between your sibling it needs to end.
Apply the Principles:
“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4 (ESV)
Take Action Now:
- Examine the pros and cons of your rivalry
- Reflect on how your rivalry was developed
- Determine if the rivalry is positive and healthy for you
- Ask your sibling how they feel about your rivalry
- Decide to end and expel any negative aspects and only promote love and encouragement
Show Some Love:
Please leave me a comment or a private message answering the following questions:
Is there a difference between same gender or different gender sibling rivalries?
Is sibling rivalry natural or created?
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