In this episode of the WPOV series, Ariel, Ces and Rochelle dive into a deep discussion focused on the power in letting go.
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Episode Title: WPOV – The Power in Letting Go
Your Hosts:
Music: Kirk Franklin – Let It Go
You Can Say That Again Girl!:
- “One thing my dad always taught me is that a man will treat you how you treat yourself.” – Ces
- “The fear of the unknown can paralyze you.” – Ariel
- “Holding on to stuff will keep you bound.” – Rochelle
Speak On It!:
- The ladies read their first feedback email from Chris Lehman
- Why women struggle with letting things go
Let’s Be Honest Girl!:
- Ariel shares more shocking confessions on this episode than we can count
- The ladies answer Chris Lehman’s question about that lessons that a father must teach his daughter
- Ariel opens up about her difficulty with forgiving people and letting things go
Here’s What Happened to Me!:
- Rochelle provides an update on her infamous “black velour tracksuit”
- Ariel explains how she was taught to not let things go
Email Us!:
We would to hear from you! Please tell us what you thought of the show or ask us any questions that you may have. Contact us now!
July 13, 2015
Ladies, you never, ever disappoint. I truly did laugh a lot with you today and even had to grab a tissue for the wonderful news that Ariel shared about her personal relationship. I just celebrated a great milestone in my life, my 60th birthday, and I am so grateful to Jesus for being here. I am approaching the 5th year of being cancer free on August 25, 2015, and I have no one to honor, praise and thank but God. I enjoyed this show beginning with the mail from a male listener right to the end when you all closed with such words of encouragement.
I would like to speak to each of you personally, as well. Firstly, Ces I would like to say when you cited that quote about being so caught up with God, that I a man would need to go to Him in order to reach you, that was so powerful and profound. I was screaming out loud, “yes”. Also, I am so thankful to God that you did not listen to that instructor that stated they could not help you be a better writer and discouraged you in pursuing that area as a career. I too ran from my literary gifting, because I felt I needed to be perfect. In college my instructor encouraged me to write and I obtained high grades, but receiving a manuscript back with an A+ with endless red correction markings caused me to change my minor. Now nearly 20 years later, God is directing me back and in preparation I have been reading the 10 top books that every serious writer should read. The first is a book by Stephen King entitled, “On Writing”. He said that many writers ignorantly believe what your instructor stated, that you can help people with many things but not become a good writer. Keep believing in yourself and let God show up and show out in your behalf. Congratulations on you successful endeavors now and in the future.
Secondly, Ariel your news is an answer to my prayer for you and your child’s father. When I initially heard you talk about him, I had just learned that my soul mate had died. We never had the opportunity to get things right, because when I left things in God’s hands, God’s answer was, “No. Keep moving forward.” I had been praying and trusting God to fix this relationship and put it in alignment with His will for nearly 26 years. I had to unilaterally forgive this man that I loved and was the father of my child, and not look back for my our own spiritual survival. My prayer was that God would allow you to have the opportunity and joy that I was never able to experience and let the desire of your heart be granted. I could tell that you still loved your child’s father. I hoped that you two would reconcile and God would show you both that He often saves the best for last. Congratulations for facing a truth and having the courage to trust and believe that if we put God first He will make all things perfect in His time. I believe that you may be one of the first Right to R.E.A.L. Love community members to have pictures in the wedding album on Facebook. God bless your daughter, you and Cornelius.
Thirdly, Rochelle I applaud you as a single mother and say that I too experienced the guilt and agony of wanting my child to have a relationship with his father. I forced it and did all that I could for 18 years of that child’s life, but it never occur as I desired. It hurt and I could not understand why it never happened, as much as I valued family. I finally let it go when our child left for college and never allowed myself to carry that pain and guilt again. Understand, it was not easy and I cried a lot at first. Now 30 years later, I know and understand that what God did in keeping my son’s father out of our lives was the very best thing for all us spiritually and emotionally. God instituted marriage and the family and if He closes a door related to a family bond, trust that it is absolutely necessary for His purpose and destiny for you and your child. You are a wonderful woman and mother and God will continue to reward you for trusting Him, even in matters you do not understand. Let go of any thoughts or things that are not pure, lovely and bring peace.
Ladies, as you can see you have greatly inspired me and I pray that other listeners will be moved to let you know how much they appreciate Jay and you ladies for committing to making them smile and get smarter every time we hear any series episode on Right to R.E.A.L. Love podcast network. I release the angelic host upon all yours efforts and expect to see greater things manifested today in Jesus’ name. Amen.
P.S. I just packed up somethings in my closet that I was not using, but no prom dresses, wedding gowns or velour jogging suits. (That was such a funny segment of the show).
July 14, 2015
Destiny, I needed some tissue recording and listening to this episode and now again after reading your feedback. Thank you so much for being a big supporter of ours and Jay
Happy Belated Birthday to you and PRAISE God for allowing you to reach these 2 wonderful milestones. I’m glad that you are pursuing your dream of becoming a writer. A great writer will move and inspire you. I have no doubt that you will be a great writer and I can’t wait to read your first story.
Its never too late for you to find that great love. We know all too well that it’s about HIS timing and not ours if we’d just be still. Thank you for all of the encouragement and kind words to each of us. Thank you for sharing the story with me about your son. I never thought of the possibility that God may have been preventing that relationship from happening right now until I read those words. I’ll admit that I don’t struggle with the guilt and fear as much as I used to, but it hasn’t completely gone away.
I’m going to convince Ariel and Ces to take a picture of their prom dresses so they can finally let them go. Getting rid of things and people who don’t fit anymore is very freeing. We had a discussion recently about whether or not our show was having an impact. We thank God for using you as our confirmation.
Peace and blessings,
July 15, 2015
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. Yes, I am looking forward to greater things in my love life (personal) and career. We will get a great laugh I am sure when they take pictures and finally let those dresses go.
July 14, 2015
God bless you for your win against cancer! He is able to fully restore and heal. I had no idea you were 60! Congrats on reaching that birthdate and pray you have many more.
Thank you so much for praying for my family. I read your post to Cornelius and he thanks you as well. To know that we have the spiritual support of our RTRL family is one of the biggest blessings we could have.
I am trully thankful for the opportunity to be able to sow into your life. It’s by God’s grace alone that we are able to share our lives.
July 15, 2015
Thank you so much. I receive those life giving words of total healing. You are welcome Ariel. God is ever faithful and I am excited to see His hands continue to unfold in your lives.
July 13, 2015
Oh Destiny, you know I’m a water bag and the tears were running reading your post! First and foremost, THANK GOD for allowing you to celebrate 60 years of life and for being cancer free!! That in itself is a reason to run, shout and sing praises to Jesus. God bless you, your life, health and everything that you touch! Also, thank you so much for your kind words! Hearing those words was definitely a blow to my confidence, but God is able — and that’s all that matters. I appreciate the book recommendation and I’ll be sure to snag it ASAP. There is also a great class you can take on to help as a refresher of writing basics and other areas of focus, for free. I pray you continue to pursue your purpose and passion, reaping every benefit that God has intended for you. 🙂
Ariel’s big news was phenomenal and I’m still beaming from ear to ear over it — and the fact that you prayed for their union is beyond a blessing! I pray that your words also come back to you in 10 folds, allowing God to pour more love into your life, in every area, than you could imagine!
And your advice to Ro is priceless. As the product of a single parent home, I can assure you both that even though we don’t always have our fathers, we continually thank God for our mothers. You all are heroes and you ask for nothing in return, yet you deserve it all. Just know that your handwork is not, does not and did not go unnoticed. Thank you all (and every single mom out there) for being everything you could be and everything you had to be, so that we simply would, be.
Thank you again, Destiny! We look forward to sharing more great episodes like this one with you.
Love & blessings!
July 15, 2015
Thank you Ces for being such an encourager and lifter of spirits and souls. I look forward to taking the online course you suggested. God bless!
July 18, 2015
Lmbo “water bag”! You don’t want to know the visual I had…
July 16, 2015
Listening to this show is always like sitting on the porch with some iced tea with someone braiding your hair while we all talk. That’s what listening to WPOV is like. We should be shelling peas or making potato salad or something!
I appreciate the candor of you wonderful women. I liked hearing you all talk about your fathers. Thank you for that. It’s so interesting to me that men needs answers from women just like women are trying to understand men!
You guys were fun and made me smile. 🙂 Ariel sounded so grateful and grounded. I’m happy for her too.
Thanks for that song. I finished listening to the podcast this morning. Shout was powerful to hear first thing in the morning. Wow!
Letting go is sooo hard. I guess the fear is that the person will do the thing again. And if it’s too soon, they might. I don’t know when that fear really goes, but it can. The key is trying to let go before that. I will continue to practice this.
July 17, 2015
Hello Autumn,
Thanks as always for taking the time to give us feedback. You made me think about all the summers I spent in the country growing up. I used to love shelling peas and I’m a southern girl through and through so you know I love me some sweet tea.
I have to admit that sometimes when I hear the show, I think I’ve shared too much. I’m of the the age where I have learned from my mistakes and still learning, so I own them. If my experiences can help just one person, then it will never too much. When they get rid of those prom dresses and Ariel jumps the broom, she’ll have to let me post a pic on Facebook so everyone can share in her joy.
Yes letting go of past hurts is very hard, but a life with ” if I should woulda coulda,” is not living it to the fullest. God wants us to live our best lives so we have to move the old stuff out of the way for the new.
Peace and many blessings,
July 18, 2015
Autum thank you for listening. I was just telling Cornelius I wanted some tea. We are so thankful we can be that type of show for you. When we record its like we are sitting in the same room chilling.
We feel extra blessed that you are blessed by our daddy discussions. I’ve always desired to share my life and want to do it appropriately.
Please check out my blog post “Spot Changing Leopards”
I think you may find it helpful. Take care and please keep us posted and reach out anytime via e-mail, twitter, or the community.
Be blessed,
July 18, 2015
Ariel, your ears must be burning because I was just talking to my mom about you. I was just saying, she got an apology after nine years! Wow. But I also said you really let go too. You weren’t waiting on it.
What a nice article! I like your pastor’s 6 steps. I have never seen that before. ‘Pray for a supernatural event.’ Wow! My last relationship taught me I’m lacking patience. I really, really am. The best I can do is distract myself with worthwhile tasks while waiting. And then it turns into not-waiting and just doing those things.
You have a kind and forgiving heart. And you deserve your blessings. People can definitely change. Just not always how and certainly not when you want them to. Good for you being ready to give him another chance when he was ready. I’m not sure I could do that so many years later (but I don’t have a child).
You deserve all good things, my friend, and I wish you and him every happiness.
July 21, 2015
Thank you for listing Autumn — and that’s the perfect way to describe how it feels to record with these ladies too!! Also, you’re so welcome for the segment when we talked about our father’s. We love being open and honest with you all and know that, that is what this community is all about.
Letting go can be hard and take it from me, fear actually only stays as long as we allow it to. It takes a conscious and intentional effort to drive it out with love and trust, when the person has earned and deserves such passion from us. Our heart knows what it wants and it knows when to retreat from what we don’t need. So trust your gut and your Spirit. Give it to God and ask Him to work through you to drive out the fear so that love and trust can live within again. And don’t beat yourself up by forcing a timeline, it’ll all happen how its supposed to when its supposed to. Ariel’s story has taught has that, too. 🙂
Thank you again for smiling, laughing and sitting on the porch with us. We love having you join us, sis.
God bless and tons of love!