87: Be an Inspiring Woman to Your Daughter

Women Empowerment Month is officially here!!!


If you’re a woman, you do not want to miss the amazing content that is going to be shared.


If you’re a mother, today’s message is especially for you!


In the latest episode of the Listen Up Ladies series, my guest Sandra Jimenez and I will be addressing the concerns of a woman who wants to know how she can be an inspiring role model to her daughter.


Take a moment to read the message she sent me below:


Dear Mr. Jay Mayo,

In my life I have made many, many bad decisions and it has resulted in me being in compromising relationships. I have allowed men to move in with me and my eight-year-old daughter and not bring anything to the relationship at all. It is only the grace of God that we have not been beaten, robbed or killed due to me bringing home strangers from wild nights out partying. My child was taken from me due to my own irresponsibility and that was my wake up call. I love my daughter and want to be a positive and inspiring example in her life. I have accepted Jesus Christ and have begun counseling so I can get my child back, but I need to get it right before she returns. I cannot undo the past but I can strive to be a better woman and mother.   I want to show my daughter how to love and respect herself. I was never taught that I had value and that is why I acted the way I did. Could you please share some steps that I can take to be a role model that my daughter can be proud of?


This mother’s concerns are genuine and serious. Therefore, Sandra and I really dive deep into how she and other parents can do all that’s within their ability to encourage and inspire their children.


Listen now to discover how you too can become an inspiring woman to your daughter.



If you know a woman or mother who can benefit from this please share it with her, by pressing ‘click to tweet’ below.


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Episode Title: Be an Inspiring Woman to Your Daughter


Guest: Sandra JimenezFollow Her on Twitter

Contact or hire Sandra for your next photo shoot!


Music: Goapele – Hush



  • “In order to inspire a daughter there must be love and trust.” – Sandra Jimenez


  • “Children pick up on the things adults display to them. The good and the bad.” – Jay Mayo


  • “Anything that you do, do it for you. Start loving and respecting yourself.” – Sandra Jimenez


Key Lessons:

  • The importance of parents being positive and inspiring role models to their children
  • Sandra explains why a parent must first love and respect themselves before they can truly love and respect their child


Hot Topics & Takeaways:

  • Sandra shares how important it is for parents to say positive and encouraging things to their children each day
  • Lessons that a daughter must learn from her mother


Dangers & Difficulties:

  • Lessons that many mothers neglect to teach their daughters
  • Why women must be aware of the way they talk about and act around men when in the presence of their daughters


Experience is the Best Teacher:

  • Sandra speaks to how she overcame tough times and truly began to develop love for herself


Insight & Action Steps:

  1. Love yourself
  2. Be mindful of your behavior
  3. Encourage and speak life into your children
  4. Pray for and with your children


Apply the Kingdom Principle:

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. “ Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)


  • singlemomsmile1
    February 2, 2015

    First I’d like to say I am very proud of the young lady who wrote the letter. It takes great courage to not only admit your faults but to share the with the entire world even if it’s done anonymously.

    Sandra’s parenting is much like mine. My daughter knows she can talk to me about anything just like I can with my mom. When I was 12 my mom sent me 8 hours away to live with my dad so I could have a better life. as a result our communication was strengthened. Many phones calls and letters were exchanged between us well into my 20s. I hope the writer of this letter uses this as an opportunity to build a rapport with her daughter.

    I love how Sandra gets her children to talk about their day. Not all kids are chatty like my little one. When I pick her up from school I hear all about her day from beginning to end in 0.5 seconds. I am thankful for this because the day she gets in the car quiet is the day I will implement Sandra’s strategies.

    The other night Sienna drew me a picture of herself, me and her daughter. It was beautiful to see that she wants to be a mom. I must admit I asked her where was her husband in the picture (she wants to be a wife also). She told me she didn’t have one. As always I gently reminded her how much I love her but being a single mom is hard. I let her listen to the podcast this evening and she said “Wow mom this lady says the same thing as you! She said being a single parent is hard.” Thanks Jay and Sandra for being my back up. That’s what family is all about!

    • Jay
      February 2, 2015

      I agree sis. I know opening up to that degree cannot be easy. I thank God that she did and that we had the opportunity to explore her experience, because I’m sure it will be a benefit to those who listen.

      That’s amazing! That level of communication is vital to the development of the relationship between a parent and achild…at least I think so. I’m sure that your daughter, Sandra’s son and daughter and other children who have similar experiences are blessed by being able to speak with their parents so openly and honestly. I desire a similar type of relationship with my future child(ren).

      NICE! I am so happy that Sandra shared her strategy for getting her kids to open up and talk with her about their day. I found it so fascinating and I’m so glad that you and other parents see the value in it too.

      Sienna is such a sweetheart! I know one day she will be an amazing mother, especially since she is learning from one of the best!

      I thank God so much that we have a podcast that even children can listen to and learn from. That is only God’s doing! Ain’t He so good sis?!

      Thank you sis! I am thrilled that you and Sienna enjoyed this episode. God bless you both!

      • singlemomsmile1
        February 4, 2015

        Thank you so much for being of my biggest cheerleaders. I have come to learn that words of affirmation is one of my love languages.

        Sienna wanted to fall asleep listening to this episode last night! She is listening to it over and over. God is so good that our community is kid friendly!

        • Jay
          February 5, 2015


          I finally read that book. I really enjoyed it. I now see the benefit of knowing what people’s love language is. Knowing it is very helpful.

          Sienna is AMAZING!!! I thank God that we have a kid friendly community too. God is so awesome!!!

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