In this episode, Jay concludes his discussion with by Nate Adlam to address the question: How are women impacted by the friend zone?
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Episode Title: How to Avoid the Friend Zone (Part 4)
Guest: Nate Adlam – Follow Him on Twitter
- “If you don’t see the value in yourself, you’ll always be looking at other people to validate you.” – Jay Mayo
Questions We Address and Answer:
- How are women impacted by the friend zone?
- Is the friend zone only designated for men or can women end up in the friend zone too?
Key Lessons and Takeaways:
- The importance of knowing your value and loving yourself.
- The danger of seeking validation from other people.
- How women can end up in the friend zone.
- The value in developing a mutually beneficial friendship.
- Steps to avoid the friend zone.
Past Episode Referenced:
Book Recommendations:
- Understanding Your Potential by Dr. Myles Munroe
- Waiting and Dating: A Sensible Guide to a Fulfilling Love Relationship by Dr. Myles Munroe
Free Resource:
DUMP YOUR BAGGAGE: Discover how to enter your next relationship at your best!
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December 22, 2015
Thank you, Nate! Women do not like putting men in the friendzone. But they have to if that extra thing isn’t there that would make a sustainable relationship. I don’t know if men like putting women in the friendzone, either. But male or female, you kind of have to do it. But yeah, it’s not pleasant for either side of that zone until both parties find peace with it. (Or find another romantic partner.)
To Jay’s observation. Women don’t end up in the friendzone initially because a man who doesn’t want a relationship will still have sex with the woman. So now, she’s not a girlfriend or wife, but she’s not in the friendzone, either. She might be later after the quasi-relationship is over. Or she might simply move from that situation to one with another romantic partner. Men rarely ask a woman to be friends first. And sometimes being friends after sleeping with someone may seem like leftovers. But if both people agree it’s really over, it can still possibly work.
There are plenty of women who pine. For years! But they are also the same type of women as the men: the introverts, the shy woman, the one that, frankly the man she’s pining over doesn’t even notice. But because she is shy or scared or inexperienced, he never really will know that she’s crying over him in the dark at night. Nope. Men are supposed to make the first move anyway, so she never will.
Thanks, Nate and Jay for sharing!
December 24, 2015
A man having sex with a woman he has no interest in being in a relationship is a very unique situation. It’s not one I can speak to personally because I’ve never been in that position. I can only imagine how they must affect the dynamics of their ‘relationship’.
I can’t begin to imagine how women who pine over a man must feel. That cannot be easy to deal with. Holding our feelings within can impact us in a variety of ways.
Thank you for listening and sharing your insights too!!!