1289: How to Deal with Rejection in Relationships (Part 1)

The Right Way to Respond to Rejection


Rejection is a part of life.


I know some people to don’t or simply refuse to believe that, but it’s the truth.


We all have or we all will experience rejection in our lives.

Another truth about rejection is this…it SUCKS!!!


No one wants to experience rejection and no one enjoys experiencing rejection. And there lies our dilemma.


If rejection is a part of life and it sucks, what are we supposed to do about it?


That’s the question I am excited to explore and provide you with the answer to.


On today’s episode of the Right to R.E.A.L. Love Radio podcast, I begin discussing how to deal with rejection in relationships with Faith Kasolo.


We will share how most people commonly react to rejection and why it’s ineffective. I’ll also prove why rejection is a part of life and explain the right way to respond to rejection. That’s just the beginning of what is a great discussion. Check out the details below for a full rundown of everything we discuss on Episode 1289.


Questions We Answer:

  • Do most people know how to properly deal with rejection? (2:39)
  • Does rejection have to be a part of our lives? (5:00)
  • What does God have to say about rejection? (10:07)


Key Things You Will Learn:

  • Why people have the tendency to act like rejection doesn’t exist (3:00)
  • Why many people avoid dealing with rejection (3:40)
  • Why Yahnathan believes rejection is a part of life (7:02)
  • The importance of how we respond to rejection (8:12)
  • Proof that rejection is a part of life (8:57)
  • The danger of taking our eyes off of God to get validation from people (11:13)
  • The importance of properly prioritizing God and people in our lives (11:37)
  • Why God doesn’t want us to take rejection personally (12:00)
  • How Yahnathan took rejection from two girls he liked personally (12:27)


Biblical Kingdom Principles We Discuss:

  • “The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.”John 12:48 (ESV)


  • “The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me, and the one who rejects me rejects him who sent me.”Luke 10:16 (ESV)


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